
CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change is a very important issue that we must be aware of, since currently as humans we are not seeing the future damage that we are doing little by little, with the simple act of wasting water, polluting and throwing garbage. We are afraid to take into account that if we damage the environment, it will be difficult to restore it later due to our lack of knowledge on the subject. Defining all this with the term climate change is correct, but it does not explain it clearly enough. We have to start talking about the climate crisis because the climate has always changed, but not as quickly nor with rigid and complex infrastructures like the cities and production system to which the most industrialized countries are accustomed. 0,98° -  Temperature rise in 2019 compared to pre-industrial levels 1,5° -  Temperature rise before 2030 - 2050 without any intervention 97% -  Percentage of scientists who attribute global warming to human activities How can we help climate